Input validation issues - Part 1

Description : 

This is Developer not filter sensitive information before store into database.

How to fix :

- You should to do select Input type of EditText to be correct in Android Studio.
- Use Pattern Class filter more information before store into database and more.

More Information :

Data and file storage on Android

Preferences :   // Files lost when delete app.
- Data that store that have key and value in file .xml
- Shared Preference
- Secure Preference
- EncryptedSharedPreferences

Database : in android app   // Files lost when delete app.
  - SQLiteOpenHelper
  - Room
  - SQLCipher

Shared Storage : Data that share with others app.
Such as : Media : images , audio , videos , documents   // Files no lost when delete app.
 - MediaStore API
- Content Provider for open Database for other app can query come to your app.
can be determined, such as specific app that use same keystore.

App-specific storage : Divided into 2 types

Internal Storage (Keep a little but be safe)  // Files lost when delete app.
 - getFilesDir() - File will be store into : package_name/files/
 - getCacheDir() -  File will be store into : package_name/cache/

External Storage (Store a lot of data) // Files no lost when delete app.
 - getExternalFilesDir() - File will be store into : /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/package_name/files/........
 - getExternalCacheDir()  File will be store into : /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/package_name/cache/.......



Access Control issues Part 1-3

Insecure Data Stroage Part 1-4